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Why Natural Mined Diamonds?

Diamond Guide

When it comes to shopping for diamond jewellery, there are some common misconceptions and frequently asked questions. From how to tell natural diamonds from laboratory-grown diamonds, to the history and values behind natural diamonds, it’s important to understand the facts about what you’re buying. To help you navigate through your Natural Mined Diamond Journey here are a few key differences to remember about natural diamonds and their lab-grown diamond counterparts.

Nature’s Difference No. 1:

Natural diamonds were created by the heat and pressure of the Earth, from 1 to 3 billion years ago.

Unlike natural diamonds, lab grown diamonds are produced with microwave reactors in a matter of only a few weeks.

Nature's Difference No. 2:

The value of natural diamonds comes from their uniqueness and rarity as a billion-year-old gem.

Laboratory-grown diamonds can be manufactured much more quickly than the natural process that took millions of years to form natural diamonds. Through rapid technological developments, a one carat lab-grown diamond can be produced in three to five days or up to two weeks. Natural diamonds on the other hand are rare and finite, the total amount of natural diamonds 1 carat and larger recovered in a year would only fill one exercise ball. This is why most people would only consider a natural diamond to be an heirloom or investment.

Nature's Difference No. 3:

Natural diamond companies are committed to controlling and reducing their environmental impact, as well as protecting through conservation projects three times more land than they use.

Researchers are using the rocks in which diamonds are found called kimberlite to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, in a ground-breaking research program with the aim to reach carbon neutrality within this decade.

The environmental impact of a one carat polished natural diamond is about the same as the environmental impact in manufacturing 3 smartphones. Natural diamonds last a lifetime and beyond. How many times do you replace your smart phone?

Nature's Difference No. 4:

Every natural diamond is unique, like a fingerprint.

Just like everything in nature, no two natural diamonds are identical, unlike mass-produced lab-created diamonds or synthetic diamonds.

Nature's Difference No. 5:

The natural diamond industry supports the livelihood of 10 million people globally.

Together, the world’s leading diamond producers create $16 billion net positive socioeconomic and environmental benefits annually in countries where they operate–80% of which stays within local communities.* Learn more.

Misconceptions about natural diamonds and environmental stewardship:

The modern natural diamond industry has been transformed over the last few decades and now makes valuable contributions to the people, environments, and communities in which they do business The members of the Natural Diamond Council preserve the biodiversity of the areas where diamonds are recovered. For every acre of land used, NDC members set aside three for conservation, protecting over 1,000 square miles of land, wildlife and endangered species in Australia, Botswana, Canada, Russia, South Africa and Tanzania. The diamond industry is making strong strides in CO2 reduction in order to achieve carbon neutrality, utilising renewable energy sources such as wind farms and hydro power, as well as pioneering carbon capture technology with kimberlite rock (source of diamonds) naturally absorbing and storing CO2. Leading natural diamond companies recycle on average 83% of water used in diamond recovery and 99% of waste produced is rock. There are no toxic chemical bi-products, because once they are removed from the ground, diamonds are easily extracted from the host rock. To ensure that the environmental impact is properly managed, the decision to build a mine is preceded by environment and biodiversity studies, together with the consultation of Indigenous communities, and regional governments.

Misconceptions about laboratory-grown diamonds and the environment:

In order to produce synthetic diamonds, manufacturers have to use an incredible amount of electricity in order to recreate Earth’s conditions and generate temperatures between around 1,500 degrees Celsius, or 2,700 Fahrenheit and pressure 1.5 million pounds per square inch. They also need very large amounts of water to cool down the reactors where they produce the lab-grown diamonds. 55% of LGDs are manufactured in China (42.5%) and India (12.5%), which rely heavily on coal. There are also production facilities that have managed to use hydropower to replace fossil fuel but that is still a limited option for most of the laboratory-created diamond market.

To discuss any aspect of making your diamond decision why not book a free of charge consultation.

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